Homemade Bacon
3-4 lbs. of pork belly
1 (half cup) jar TSB Applewood Pork/Poultry
Half cup of sea salt
Add the TSB Applewood Pork/ Poultry and sea salt to a bowl and mix. Rub the pork belly down with the dry mix, really getting it into any nooks and crannies.
Use either a large ziplock bag, a vacuum-sealed bag, or a clean glass/ceramic dish. Cover the dish with plastic wrap or a lid if using.
Place in fridge. Flip the belly every day for 5 days. Feel for stiffness. The belly should feel firm everywhere. Thicker cuts (over 2” thick) may need longer to cure, up to 10 days.
Be aware that the longer it cures, the saltier it will be.
Take the bacon out of the container, rinse it off thoroughly, and pat dry. Put it on a rack over a sheet pan in the fridge and let sit open and uncovered overnight to develop a pellicle (a sticky surface).
If using oven:
Roast in a 200°F oven for about 2 hours, or until the internal temp reaches 150°F
If using smoker:
Smoke at 200°F for 2-3 hours. Hickory, mesquite, apple, and cherry wood chips all work great.
Let the bacon cool, then slice into strips or cut into chunks.
Can be kept in the fridge for about a week, or frozen in whole pieces for 6+ months.
To cook, start slices of bacon in a cold pan, then turn the heat to medium. Cook until crispy on one side, then flip and cook for another couple of minutes until the bacon is at the crispness you enjoy.